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July 03, 2023

Keep Your Home Safe In Dallas By Staying Away From These Typical Home Security Mistakes

Placing a key outside for relatives and neighbors continues to be one of the most typical home security mistakes people commit. You already understand this is ill-advised, but are there other things you’re doing - or failing to do - that are leaving your home at risk? Stay away from these mistakes and find suggestions on how you can help keep your home safe in Dallas.

Mistake #1: Getting A Dallas Security System Without 24-7 Monitoring

This mistake often arises with homeowners who opt for do-it-yourself home security systems. It may be enticing to attempt to save a few dollars, but what if you let the battery die on your phone and fail to notice an alarm? Monitoring professionals won’t overlook an alarm. And if they can’t get in touch with you, they’ll take action on your behalf. Having a reliable team of professionals in place to assist in any crisis is the smart move and well worth the price. You’ll appreciate the peace of mind.

Mistake #2: Failing To Secure Windows And Doors

This may seem obvious, but you may be shocked by the number of people who neglect to fasten common entrances. You may be careful about securing them at night but forget to remember in the mornings. But keep in mind, a greater percentage of intrusions take place during the day.

And it’s worth mentioning that most intruders are searching for the simplest point of attack and will try to find an unsecure entry rather than breaking through a door or window. Smart door locks can help as you can have them engage automatically. You can also secure them from wherever you are if you forget to do so prior to leaving.

Mistake #3: Leaving Holes In Your Wireless Home Security In Dallas

You love your home’s wireless security, and for justifiable reasons. You are able to view video footage from security cameras, interact with your smart thermostat, and even activate the locks of your doors no matter where you are. All you need is your cell phone and a wireless internet connection. However, this easy access also provides an avenue for potential online attackers. You need to be sure your network and implements are as secure as possible. You can accomplish this by:

  • Implementing random passwords and changing them periodically. One frequent mistake is keeping the router’s default password. Don’t neglect to change it!
  • Making sure your router and all devices are updated. If there are updates available, don’t hesitate to install.
  • Implementing the most advanced WiFi security protocol like WPA3 or WPA2.
  • Placing your home security devices on an isolated network. You are still able to have a guest network to provide friends and family internet access.

Mistake #4: Letting Packages Sit On Your Porch

Shopping online has become a regular aspect of our day-to-day lives, but sadly, so has package theft. Allowing boxes to remain at your door for hours is an invitation to opportunistic thieves. Fortunately, it’s quite easy to avoid this scenario. Smart devices like doorbell cameras and outdoor surveillance may be programmed to instantly alert you whenever activity is discerned. By doing so, you’ll always know when a box is delivered. If you’re not there, you can ask a trusted neighbor to grab it.

Keep Your Home Safe With An Innovative Security System From Secure24 Alarm Systems

The smartest way to keep your home safe in Dallas is with a modern home security system from Secure24 Alarm Systems. You’ll get the latest components and dedicated monitoring to safeguard your dwelling and family members at all hours. Dial (214) 997-6030 to get a quote today.